Bringing Baby Williams Earthside

Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Bringing Baby Williams Earthside

by Elizabeth Williams

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $5,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $360.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$360.00 raised of $5,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.

Elizabeth Williams is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My name is Elizabeth Williams. I’ve been with my wonderful husband, Cole, for almost 5 years.

We decided to start trying for a baby right after we got married! I have dreamed of being a mother since I was very young. My husband decided he was also ready to be a dad so we started out journey.

Little did we know our journey would be so complicated and come with very little answers. We are In the 1% of couples that suffer from reoccuring pregnancy loss.

A year into trying we had 3 chemical pregnancies (this is a term for a very early miscarriage). After this we did a number of tests and nothing raised many flags. We were told it was just bad luck.

At this point, we started seeing a fertility clinic. This included multiple rounds of fertility medications, a few different protocols, and lots of supplements. We had another chemical early this year. The following cycle we had a pregnancy that seemed fairly healthy in the beginning. Soon after our numbers quit doubling and 2 ultrasounds confirmed yet another loss. This was incredibly hard to accept as we thought we were on the right track this time.


The following cycle we got the news we had an ectopic pregnancy.

We did 2 rounds of methotrexate before the pregnancy was dissolved. This left us incredibly devastated and feeling hopeless.

We sought out a new o.b and asked for a referral to a reoccuring pregnancy loss specialist. He declined.

By the grace of God we found a specialist who didn’t require a referral. The downfall is the testing and treatments we need are incredibly expensive. If she can’t find anything else, the next step is seeing an immunologist and a functional dr.

These drs usually don’t accept insurance and the testing and treatment is expensive. These drs look into things like autoimmune issues, thyroid issues, and overall underlying issues that may not be well known or connected to pregnancy loss.

We recently found out our insurance denied our genetic testing we had back in March and we owe $8,000 out of pocket. We are already swimming in medical bills from our most recent losses.


Our insurance covers very little when it comes to fertility testing and treatments. For example one medicated cycle can costs are $3,000.

If we find another cause and treatment we are looking at spending a lot more than $3,000 to have a successful pregnancy and bring a baby earthside!

Please help us follow through with our dreams of becoming parents!

We appreciate you reading our story! It would mean the world to us if you could share our story. If you find it in your hearts we would also be very appreciative of any donations! Even $1 would help.

Thank you again for taking the time to read our story!

Name Donation Date
Shamara Ruesch $30.00 September 22, 2022
Lesa Williams $100.00 September 12, 2022
Anonymous $20.00 September 06, 2022
Kirtina Carter $50.00 September 06, 2022
Vicki Williams $100.00 September 03, 2022
Derek Sager $50.00 September 03, 2022
Jess Pierre $10.00 September 03, 2022
Shamara Ruesch commented with a $30 donation about 2 years ago
Praying for the best for you ?
Vicki Williams commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
We love you.
Jess Pierre commented with a $10 donation about 3 years ago
I have gotten to know you for a few years now and I have only ever met a couple people as generous, kind hearted, well intentioned, honest almost to a fault lol, SO loyal, so loving and all around good person as you liz. You deserve this more than most and you are going to be an amazing mother!! I pray and send positive energy everyday that this gets figured out for you guys! I just can't wait to see your little bean you worked so hard for they are so loved and so wanted by so many before even being conceived and that is so special!! <3